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How to live out your unique purpose

You’re made differently to every other person, and there will never be another you in the history of time. Even in cultural similarities we might have with other people, we each carry a unique worldview, set of skills, identity and purpose. The purpose you carry can only be outworked by you, the world needs you! Below we explore how to live out your unique purpose, and a few things that might be holding you back.

It starts with understanding who you are and appreciating what you carry. You need to be comfortable in your own skin, no matter who is standing next to you. It’s about skipping the comparison trap and moving into a world of peaceful acceptance. Valuing yourself is not overindulgent, greedy and selfish… it’s about discovering your true self so that you can serve with love and humility.

Read these 53 Bible verses about your identity in Christ

When you start to realise the wonder of your uniqueness, you start to value...

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Ginger Biscuit Recipe - A Christmas Favourite!

One of our favourite Christmas time traditions is this deliciously snappy ginger biscuit. These can be baked quickly throughout the month in the build-up to Christmas!

Give these a try, share them with family and friends, we trust your kids will love them too!


You will need:

200g rolled oats (grind them in your Nutribullet or blender)
60g raw honey
1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger 
½ teaspoon ground ginger 
10g Coconut palm 
50g softened raw coconut oil 
Sprinkle of ground nutmeg 


  1. Preheat the oven at 180c and line a baking tray. 
  2. Grind the rolled oats in your blender or Nutribullet. 
  3. Mix all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl.
  4. Roll the mixture into small balls and then flatten them onto the tray.  
  5. Bake these for 20 min, turning them over after 10 minutes, until they are golden brown.

P.S. Ginger is great for balancing blood sugar and is great for your gut as well. 

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