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Navigating Life: a podcast designed to empower you everyday

If you haven't yet, go and watch the Navigating Life podcast, where we have real conversations about health, lifestyle, confidence, self-worth, purpose, nutrition and hearing God's voice in everyday life. The podcast was born out of many conversations that Kerry and Kate have had over the past few years. The idea behind this podcast series is to share some of those golden nuggets with you, so that you can grow, benefit and be empowered by the testimony, knowledge, life lessons and wisdom we share.

Navigating Life, is about navigating the unique way you were made, and how that works out in your family and purpose. 


What is YOUnique Life?

YOUnique Life was founded through a personal journey of discovery. Through years of counselling and inner healing ministry, Kerry Stewart, recognised that every person is unique. This revelation trickled through into every facet of life, as she began to see how women would focus in on some of the same issues. Most of them relating to losing that stubborn 5kgs, self-worth, confidence, identity and purpose. The beauty of every person was undeniable, however, if only everyone would see and celebrate who they are, let go of the trapped pain inside them and begin to believe that they were made wonderfully and have an unique and significant purpose. 

Troubleshooting these areas is no small job, and it's a personal journey to freedom. With the right tools, resources and encouragement, we believe, that everyone can step into the fullness of their destiny and the full expression of who they were made to be. This is why YOUnique Life exists. Our heart is to give women access to the tools they need to live in their true integrated identity and unlock their purpose so that they can make a real difference in the world using their unique gifts, talents and testimony.

What can influence your destiny?

There are many factors that influence the way we see ourselves and the world around us and these can mess with how we walk in our purpose. Some of them include:

  • Worldview: the way you perceive the world can be based on truth or lies.
  • The way you were raised: family traditions and cultural norms influence who you believe you are.
  • Community and relationships: those around you can change how you perceive things, if you allow them. This can have either a positive, or a negative effect on your life.
  • Trauma: when pain and hurt came in, whether you were 5, 13 or 21 years old, the pain causes you to stay stuck in the emotion unless you have the tools to process it in a healthy way, which brings about healing.
  • Your relationship with food, social media and more: the way you look at food, media and more in the world today affects your identity, if you let it.

The good news is that there are ways to recognise where some of these aspects have been stealing from you, process them and put them in their rightful places so that you can live in the freedom and grace of healing. 

Navigating Life: working out what your YOUnique Life looks like

In this first podcast episode, we discuss where this YOUnique Life journey began for Kerry personally and share some of the initial practical steps you can take to navigate and discover your YOUnique Life.

Browse through our website for more resources and content made to help you step into and navigate your YOUnique Life. If you're needing some help, then sign up for our self-study courses, available below:

Healthy Life

Spirit Life

Remember, you were made for more. You were created for a special purpose and there is no one like you on the face of the earth. We challenge you today, step into the wonder of who you are, and bless the world with how you were made by God.


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